Friday, March 9, 2018

Laying Out The Front Cover

Hello welcome back! This week I have started to draft some ideas for my front cover, keeping in mind my idea to create something different.

As we can see, by my award winning drawing , I am sticking to that idea of vintage pop art/ comic vibe as I previously talked about previously in one of my posts. Since I am creating something different and going against the constructs of a fashion magazine, I don’t think I am going to include cover lines.

For the front cover font, I want the font to be different and include little icons, to further convey my theme and message of the whole magazine, being that it is daring and going against fashion magazine constructs. As seen in the image above I want each letter to have a different icon or design pertaining to its letter. For example " B" has a little bee on it, punny.

Since the cover of a fashion magazine usually pertains to the main two page spread of the magazine, I wanted to do the same. For my model I was thinking of asking my friend Isabella Michelini, for she has colored hair and wants to be a fashion designer, therefore she will be the focus of the two page spread.

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Here it is, my creative critical reflection -